How to Precent Antibody Absorption in Baby Bottles


During breastfeeding, the female parent'south milk delivers to the immunologically immature newborn and infant both elements of the immune organisation, namely, adaptive, and innate immune components. In contrast to the non-specific innate defence force, the adaptive immune protection is highly specific and characterized by retentiveness to pathogens to which there was a previous exposure (one, 2). According to Brandtzaeg (three, four), the content of milk secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) mostly reflects the antigenic stimulation of the mother's mucosal immune organisation by abdominal (gut-associated lymphoid tissue) and respiratory pathogens (nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue). In light of the cited information to a higher place, mother'south milk immunoglobulins are very of import players in shaping and modulating the maturation of the newborn'southward immune system and provide efficient protection against pathogens (5–seven). This phenomenon is particularly relevant since, at an early on stage of life, newborns exercise not yet produce their own repertoire of immunoglobulins (8) and use immunoglobulin Chiliad (IgG), which was transferred from the mother's circulation through the placenta. However, the immunoglobulin resource can exist replenished by immunoglobulins with mother's milk if children are fed naturally.

The most abundant immunoglobulin in human being milk is SIgA, which represents over 90% of milk antibodies. Still, immunoglobulins G and M (IgM) are too present, but in concentrations much lower than SIgA (nine–13). The immunological profile of mother'southward milk is dynamic and tin can be influenced past a wide range of factors, amidst which week of the gestation and lactation menstruum, namely, milk maturation, are the most frequently assessed parameters in this respect.

The highest concentration of SIgA is reported for early colostrum (days two–5, ~two.v g/L), so the level is relatively stable throughout transitional (days 8–12, ~1 grand/50) to mature milk (days 26–30, ~0.7 g/L) (14). On the other hand, the latest report demonstrated that over-lactation of mothers who gave birth to full-term infants (>37 weeks of gestation) from the 2d day to the 24th week of lactation resulted in the concentration of SIgA being college at the first of lactation and then gradually decreasing until 6 months (15). Over the starting time yr of lactation, the SIgA concentration was significantly lower than for the first month (16). However, from the 11th to the 17th month of lactation, an upward tendency of SIgA was establish, from 0.21 to 0.29 thou/L, respectively (xvi). However, co-ordinate to Trend, the concentration of SIgA during the 1st month of lactation does not differ significantly between gestation groups (term and preterm birth), regardless of the degree of prematurity, namely, moderately, very, and extremely preterm (fourteen). Interestingly, the level of SIgA was lower, although not significantly, in milk from smoker mothers (17).

The concentration of milk IgG is the highest during the first 3 days of lactation of term and preterm groups (27.9 ± 23.2 and ± 17.3 mg/L, respectively); however, in the adjacent days of lactation, from 4 to 55 days, information technology decreased and remained at a similar level, 16.half dozen ± ten.6 and 16.7 ± 8.8 mg/L, respectively regardless of the calendar week of delivery (eighteen). A lack of departure in the concentration of IgG in relation to the stage of lactation during the commencement 6 months was also demonstrated by Goonatilleke et al. (xv). Similarly to SIgA, there were no differences in IgG concentrations in the milk of mothers giving birth preterm (very preterm: 16.4 ± 6.ane mg/L; moderate preterm: xx.1 ± 13.0 mg/50), regardless of the degree of prematurity (18). These values are consistent with that of nearly 20 mg/Fifty given past Broadhurst et al. (19) for the same lactation catamenia and lower than that established by Koenig et al. (20) for early on colostrum of term (54 ± 37 mg/50) and preterm birth (very preterm, 76 ± 38 mg/L; moderately preterm, 47 ± 42 mg/L). On the other mitt, the written report of Abuidhail et al. (21) showed that the IgG concentration in milk samples derived from the 1st month of lactation was significantly lower (103 ± 41 mg/L) than that for the fourth and 6th month of lactation (133 ± 49 and 145 ± 54 mg/L, respectively), although the values were higher than previously reported.

The IgM concentration in colostrum is at a similar depression level of well-nigh 14 mg/L for term and xi mg/L for preterm nascency, just the presence of IgM was found in just a minor percentage of milk samples (20). Additionally, the latest reports of Goonatilleke et al. (15) showed the gradual subtract in IgM concentration from the start of lactation until 6 months. Similar results were presented past Abuidhail et al. (21), who showed that the IgM concentration in milk samples from the 1st month of lactation was significantly higher (103 ± 31 mg/Fifty) than for the 4th and the 6th month of lactation (64 ± 25 and 48 ± 18 mg/50, respectively) (21). Moreover, the concentration of IgM from the second to the sixth day of lactation was positively associated with overweight and obesity of the female parent before pregnancy as well as with primiparity and negatively associated with smoking during pregnancy (22).

After nascency, newborns are completely reliant on maternal immunoglobulins considering of the immature immune system. Immunoglobulins delivered with mother's milk are crucial in shaping neonatal amnesty during the first 3 months since there is a lack of functional plasma cells which are responsible for the synthesis of the newborn'south IgG (11, 23). The main biological functions of SIgA include intracellular neutralization of viruses and inhibition of their transcytosis, inhibition of adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to host mucosa, and agglutination of viruses and bacteria (12, 24–26). Additionally, thanks to the interaction with intestinal K cells, SIgA takes part in the prevention of pathogenic leaner translocation (27).

Maternal immunoglobulins, in item, SIgA, have lasting beneficial furnishings on the support and regulation of the immature immune arrangement of breastfed infants too every bit on their gut microbiome. Nonetheless, it should exist pointed out that their specificity is related to pathogens with which the lactating mother had contact previously (28–30). Interestingly, equally reported by Royle et al. (31), milk SIgA possesses an "additional bounden site" for bacterial lectin receptors, i.east., sialylated and/or fucosylated glycans, besides their Fab antigen-binding sites, which constitute the link between innate and acquired immunity.

In addition to antimicrobial activity, IgG are also able to activate phagocytes, showroom anti-inflammatory activity, and suppress abnormal inflammatory reactions in response to allergens (24). Moreover, it is suggested that sialylated and fucosylated glycans of milk IgG may play a similar role every bit glycans of milk SIgA (18, 32). Maternal milk IgM as well takes part in the protection of newborns against pathogens via opsonization of Gram-negative bacteria (33) and is of import, in addition to milk SIgA, for immune exclusion of antigens (4).

However, IgG and IgM, present in minor amounts in mother'south milk due to digestion in the pocket-sized intestine, likely play a small function in providing passive amnesty to the infant (thirteen). Withal, the latest reports of the Demers-Mathieu grouping showed that gastric digestion reduced IgG, but the other antibodies were not digested in the gastric contents of preterm infants and all maternal isotypes present in breast milk were detected in infant stools, of which IgA (not SIgA) was the most abundant (34).

In light of the undeniable participation of maternal milk immunoglobulins in supporting the development and the modulation of the young allowed organization of newborns and infants likewise as the long-term benefits of breast milk feeding, information technology is extremely important in promoting breastfeeding over the recommended 6 months to make up one's mind the immunoglobulin profile of human milk over the get-go year of lactation to provide strong scientific bear witness of the being of immune protection when antibody production by children has not yet reached levels that will allow effective protection. The lack of detailed data on the level of immunoglobulins in late lactation prompted united states of america to investigate the concentration of skim milk SIgA, IgG, IgM, and total protein in prolonged lactation from the 1st until the 48th month. Specifically, the aim of our study was to determine whether the levels of immunoglobulins in mother's milk over the 1st year of lactation are the aforementioned as upwards to the 1st year and whether in that location are whatever correlations among the concentrations of particular immunoglobulins as well as with protein concentration and finally to evaluate the potential correlation of immunoglobulin concentrations with the frequency of breastfeeding during 4 years of lactation.

Materials and Methods

Milk Drove

Lactating women were recruited using local parenting groups that communicated via social media. One hundred xvi breastfeeding mothers participated in the study. The characteristics of breastfeeding mothers, besides equally the method of collecting and storing milk samples, accept been described previously (35, 36). The mother's age, socioeconomic status, race, health condition, concomitant medications, parity, fashion of delivery, and frequency of breastfeeding were recorded. Milk samples were collected at the Regional Man Milk Bank in the Section of Neonatology located in the Academy Hospital (Wroclaw, Poland) between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Providing an interval of a few hours allows a greater uniformity of samples. Considering the efficiency of milk expression, an electric breast pump was used (Medela Symphony, Baar, Switzerland). Aliquots for analysis (2–three mL) were taken immediately later complete emptying of the breast, and the whole volume of the expressed milk was gently stirred to minimize the possibility of whatsoever preanalytical mistake. The milk samples for assay were divided into four groups according to breastfeeding period: the first group up to 12 months (Northward = 26), the 2d from 13 to xviii months (N = 35), the third from 19 to 24 months (N = 32), and the concluding over 24 months (N = 23). For storage, the samples were aliquoted into smaller containers and frozen at −twenty°C. This study received ethical approval (Nr KB−65/2018) from the University Ideals Committee. Informed and written consent was provided by all the participants before sample collection.

Sample Preparation

To obtain the skim milk fraction, samples were centrifuged at 3,500 g at four°C for 35 min, after which milk fat and cells were separated. The samples of the aqueous stage of milk (skim milk) were kept at −twenty°C until determination.

Decision of Skim Milk Protein Concentration

The total poly peptide concentration in human being skim milk samples was determined by bicinchoninic methods with the Bicinchoninic Acid Protein Assay Kit (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, Usa) (37). For testing 25 μL of 12.5- and 25-fold diluted in TRIS-buffered saline (TBS, pH 7.5), skim milk samples and bovine albumin, as a standard from 0.2 to 1.0 mg/mL (SERVA, Heidelberg, German), were prepared and transferred to the wells of microtiter plates, and then 200 μL of freshly prepared bicinchoninic acid working reagent (solution of bicinchoninic acid and copper (II) sulfate in the ratio 1:50, respectively) was added. The plates were incubated at 37°C for 35 min and the absorbance was measured at 560 nm in a Stat Fax 2100 Microplate Reader (Awareness Engineering science Inc., Palm Metropolis, FL, USA). All skim milk samples were analyzed in indistinguishable.

Determination of SIgA Concentration

The concentrations of SIgA in skim milk samples were determined by ELISA. For testing, 100 μL of 10,000-, 25,000-, and 50,000-fold diluted skim milk and human colostrum IgA standard preparations from 1.ii to 37.v ng/100 μL (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, The states) were taken, and then the plates were incubated for 2 h at 37°C. Subsequently the washing step, TBS (pH vii.5), containing 0.2% Tween-xx as a blocking agent, was used and the plates were incubated for 1 h at 37°C and overnight at four°C. As a detection antibiotic, mouse monoclonal anti-secretory component IgA antibodies (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) diluted ane:10,000 in TBS containing 0.05% Tween-20 were used, and the plates were incubated for 1 h at 37°C. In the next step, horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG antibodies (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) diluted 1:5,000 in TBS containing 0.05% Tween-20 were added to each well, and the plates were incubated for 1 h at 37°C. The reaction was adult by adding a substrate solution containing orthophenylenediamine (Calbiochem, Kingdom of denmark) in 0.ane M citrate buffer, pH five.0 with H2O2, and the plates were incubated for thirty min at room temperature in the dark. The reaction was stopped with 12.five% H2And soiv, and the absorbance was measured in a Stat Fax 2100 Microplate Reader (Awareness Engineering science Inc., Palm City, FL, The states) at 492 nm with 630 nm equally the reference filter. For all washing steps, TBS (pH vii.5) containing 0.05% Tween-20 was used.

The coefficients of variation were calculated for SIgA-ELISA, namely, 3.four and 2.9% for intra- and inter-analysis, respectively.

Determination of IgG Concentration

As described previously (eighteen, 32), the concentration of IgG in skim milk samples was determined past conventional ELISA. In brusque, F(ab')2 fragments of goat anti-human being IgG (Jackson ImmunoResearch, Europe Ltd., Ely, UK) antibodies diluted 1:ane,000 in TBS as a capture antibody were taken, and the plates were incubated for two h at 37°C. For the blocking pace, TBS (pH 7.5) containing 0.5% Tween-20 was used, and the plates were incubated for 2 h at 37°C and overnight at 4°C. For testing, 100 μL of 500-, 1,000- and 2,500-fold diluted skim milk and human serum IgG as a standard grooming from 0.two to 12.five ng/100 μL (Jackson ImmunoResearch, Europe Ltd., Ely, UK) were taken, and the plates were incubated for 1 h at 37°C. The detection was carried out with phosphatase-labeled rabbit anti-man IgG Fcγ fragment-specific antibodies diluted 1:20,000 in TBS with 0.05% Tween-20 (Jackson ImmunoResearch, USA), and the plates were incubated for 1 h at 37°C. The reaction was developed by adding 4-nitrophenyl phosphate in diethanolamine-HCl buffer (pH 9.five) (SERVA, Heidelberg, Germany), and the plates were incubated for 15 min at 37°C. The reaction was stopped with 1 One thousand NaOH and the absorbance was measured in a Stat Fax 2100 Microplate Reader (Awareness Technology Inc., Palm Metropolis, FL, USA) at 405 nm, with 630 nm as the reference filter. For the dilution of skim milk samples and for all washing steps, human serum IgG standard preparation and TBS (pH seven.5) containing 0.1 or 0.05% Tween-xx was used, respectively.

The coefficients of variation were calculated for IgG-ELISA, namely, ii.9 and for intra- and inter-assay, respectively.

Determination of IgM Concentration

The concentrations of IgM in skim milk samples were determined by conventional ELISA. In item, AffiniPure rabbit anti-homo IgM antibody as a capture antibody (Jackson ImmunoResearch, Europe Ltd., Ely, UK) diluted ane:2,000 was taken, and the plates were incubated for 2 h at 37°C. Then, the plates were incubated for 2 h at 37°C and overnight at iv°C with TBS (pH vii.5) containing 0.5% Tween-20 as a blocking agent. For testing, 100 μL of 50-, 100-, and 200-fold diluted skim milk and human IgM standard grooming from 0.39 to 6.25 ng/100 μL (Jackson ImmunoResearch, Europe Ltd., Ely, Britain) were taken. In the next step, horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-human IgM antibodies (Jackson ImmunoResearch, Europe Ltd., Ely, United kingdom) diluted 1:20,000 in TBS containing 0.05% Tween-20 were added to each well, and the plates were incubated for 1 h at 37°C. The reaction was developed by calculation orthophenylenediamine (Calbiochem, Denmark) in 0.1 One thousand citrate buffer, pH 5.0 with H2Otwo, and the plates were incubated for 10 min at room temperature in the night. The reaction was stopped with 12.5% H2And then4, and the absorbance was measured in a Stat Fax 2100 Microplate Reader (Sensation Engineering Inc., Palm Metropolis, FL, U.s.) at 492 nm, with 630 nm as the reference filter. For dilution of skim milk samples and for all washing steps, TBS (pH 7.5) containing 0.1 or 0.05% Tween-20 was used.

The coefficients of variation were calculated for IgM-ELISA, namely, v.four and 2.5% for intra- and inter-analysis, respectively.

Statistical Assay

The statistical assay was performed with TIBCO STATISTICA 13.3 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK, Us). The results are expressed every bit the hateful ± SD (standard difference) and the median with 25th−75th percentiles. To compare the study population data, chi-foursquare examination was used. For assay, not-parametric tests were used since large interindividual differences in the biochemical contour of milk are observed amongst lactating mothers. For the calculation of statistical significance, Kruskal-Wallis test was used. The correlations between the analyzed groups were estimated co-ordinate to Spearman. A two-tailed p-value lower than 0.05 was considered as significant.


The detailed characteristics of the analyzed accomplice of lactating mothers are shown in Table 1.

Tabular array 1. Characteristics of the report population.

Concentration of Skim Milk Protein

The concentration of protein in mother'south skim milk showed a potent positive correlation with the elapsing of lactation from the 1st to the 48th calendar month (r = 0.69; p < 0.05) (Effigy 1A).

Figure 1. Concentration of poly peptide (A), SIgA (B), IgG (C), and IgM (D) in skim milk in prolonged lactation up to 48 months. A solid line indicates linear regression, and 95% confidence intervals are shown by dotted lines; blue circles refer to individual samples. The correlation coefficient (r) was calculated according to Spearman, and a p-value lower than 0.05 was regarded as meaning. The r-foursquare value is the foursquare of the correlation coefficient. NS, not significant.

The hateful concentration of protein was the lowest (9.69 ± 1.59 1000/Fifty) for the first yr of lactation (1–12 months) and significantly increased in the next analyzed period of prolonged lactation to achieve eleven.47 ± 2.23 g/L (p < 0.003) in the milk group from xiii to 18 months, xiii.thirteen ± 3.31 g/L (p < 0.002) in the milk group from 19 to 24 months, and finally 17.31 ± vi.twenty g/L (p < 0.002) in lactation beyond ii years (Table 2).

Table 2. Concentration of protein and immunoglobulins in skim milk in prolonged lactation.

Concentration of Skim Milk Secretory IgA

The concentration of secretory IgA in mother's skim milk showed a potent positive correlation with lactation from the 1st to the 48th month (r = 0.54; p < 0.05) (Effigy 1B).

The hateful concentration of SIgA was the lowest (2.12 ± 0.62 g/Fifty) for the start analyzed group of milk, namely, from the 1st to the 12th months, and significantly increased above the 1st twelvemonth of lactation, namely, in the group of milk obtained from the 13th to 18th months of lactation, information technology reached two.95 ± m/L (p < 0.006). In the subsequent catamenia of lactation in milk from 19 to 24 months, the hateful value of SIgA concentration was 3.35 ± 2.22 1000/50 and it was higher, although not significantly, in comparing to the previous group. In lactation across the second year, the significantly (p < 0.003) highest concentration of SIgA was observed (7.55 ± 7.16 g/L) (Table 2).

Concentration of Skim Milk IgG

The concentration of IgG in mother's skim milk, similar to SIgA, showed a positive correlation with lactation from the 1st to the 48th month, but the observed correlation was significantly weaker (r = 0.27; p < 0.05) (Figure 1C).

The mean concentration of IgG in mother's skim milk was the everyman (14.71 ± 6.18 mg/L) for the kickoff yr of lactation and remained at an almost unchanged level in the next analyzed period of prolonged lactation, namely, 13–18 months (14.82 ± 9.11 mg/50). Nevertheless, in the milk groups from xix to 24 months and above 24 months, an increase, although not significant, to the values of 15.60 ± four.33 and xviii.95 ± 6.76 mg/L, respectively, was observed (Tabular array 2).

Concentration of Skim Milk IgM

The concentration of IgM in female parent's skim milk, in contrast to the concentration of SIgA and IgG, remained stable regardless of the lactation period (r = 0.04; p > 0.05) from the 1st to the 48th month (Figure 1D).

In the outset year of lactation, the concentration of IgM was 3.00 ± 2.89 mg/Fifty and in subsequent stages information technology slightly decreased, although not significantly, to the value 2.81 ± two.74 and 2.79 ± two.41 mg/L for groups of milk from 13 to 18 and from 19 to 24 months of lactation, respectively. In lactation across the 2d year, an insignificant increment of skim milk IgM concentration to iii.82 ± iii.05 mg/L was observed (Table 2).

Correlation Amongst Skim Milk Total Protein and Immunoglobulins Over Prolonged Lactation

The correlations among skim milk proteins and immunoglobulins over prolonged lactation from the 1st to the 48th month are summarized in Table three.

Table iii. Correlations amid skim milk protein and immunoglobulins during prolonged lactation.

The concentration of SIgA and IgG showed a statistically meaning stiff (r = 0.71) and weak (r = 0.37) positive correlation with total skim milk poly peptide concentration over the analyzed menstruation of prolonged lactation. Additionally, over prolonged lactation from the 1st to the 48th month, the concentration of SIgA positively correlated with the concentration of IgG (r = 0.29). During the analyzed period of prolonged lactation, the concentration of skim milk IgM showed no correlation with the total concentration of skim milk protein and to the concentration of SIgA and IgG.

Additionally, the ratios of Igs to the total protein concentration in female parent's skim milk were calculated (Figure ii). The ratio of SIgA to protein (SIgA/protein) remained at a like level during the start 2 years of lactation (0.22 ± 0.07 for 1st−12th months, 0.25 ± 0.09 for 13th−18th months, and 0.25 ± 0.08 for 19th−24th months of lactation), only in the tertiary twelvemonth, the SIgA/protein ratio significantly increased and reached the value of 0.38 ± 0.23 (p < 0.002) (Figures 2A,B). The ratios of IgG/protein and IgM/poly peptide in mother's skim milk, in dissimilarity to the ratio of SIgA/protein, remained stable regardless of the lactation period from the 1st to the 4th year of lactation (Figures 2C–F).

Figure 2. The ratio of skim milk SIgA (A), IgG (C), and IgM (Due east) to the protein concentration in the 4 groups analyzed: group i, up to 12 months (N = 26); group ii, from 13 to eighteen months (Northward = 35); group 3, from 19 to 24 months (N = 32); and group 4, over 24 months (N = 23), and correlation of Igs/poly peptide ratio with 48 months of lactation: (B) SIgA/protein, (D) IgG/protein, and (F) IgM/poly peptide. For (B,D,F), a solid line indicates linear regression, and 95% conviction intervals are shown by dotted lines; blue circles refer to private samples. For (A,C,East), symbols: median (■), 25–75% (□), min–max (I), sample (□), and hateful (*).

Skim Milk Total Protein and Immunoglobulin Concentrations in Relation to Frequency of Breastfeeding

The correlations between the protein and the immunoglobulin concentrations of mother's milk with the frequency of breastfeeding (number of feedings) during the analyzed period of prolonged lactation as well as the three stages of prolonged lactation are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4. Human relationship between number of feedings and immunoglobulin or protein concentration in chest milk during prolonged lactation.

For the total analyzed period of prolonged lactation from the 13th to the 48th months, negative correlations of skim milk poly peptide (r = −0.24; p < 0.05) as well as SIgA (r = −0.47; p < 0.05) concentrations with the number of feedings were establish (Figure 3). Nevertheless, in the 13–18 months group, the frequency of breastfeeding was negatively correlated with the SIgA concentration (r = −0.45; p < 0.05) only (Tabular array four). In the subsequent lactation period, namely, 19–24 months, no statistically significant correlations were found. In contrast, afterwards the 2d year of lactation, the SIgA (r = −0.75; p < 0.05), IgM (r = −0.62; p < 0.05), and protein (r = −0.59; p < 0.05) concentrations were negatively correlated with the number of feedings (Table 4).

Figure three. Human relationship between concentration of protein (A), SIgA (B), IgG (C), and IgM (D) and the number of feedings of female parent'south milk. A solid line indicates linear regression, and 95% conviction intervals are shown by dotted lines; blue circles refer to individual samples. NS, non significant.

Skim Milk Immunoglobulin Concentrations in Relation to the Fashion of Delivery and the Gender of the Baby

The bear on of mode of delivery, namely, vaginal birth or cesarean section, on immunoglobulin profile was analyzed in subsequent lactation periods. The SIgA and IgG concentrations were at a comparable level (p > 0.05) regardless of the manner of delivery in all the analyzed periods of lactation. In contrast, for IgM concentration in the first two analyzed periods of lactation, namely, for i–12 and 13–18 months, the impact of the style of delivery was observed. In the first year of lactation, the IgM concentration was lower in the "vaginal nascency" group than in the "cesarean section" group [2.1 mg/L (Due north = 18) and iv.0 mg/L (Northward = 7) (p<0.03), respectively], while in the adjacent group from the 13th to the 18th month, the IgM concentration was higher in the "vaginal birth" grouping than in the "cesarean section" group [iii.3 mg/Fifty (N = nineteen) and 1.half-dozen mg/50 (Northward = xi) (p < 0.02), respectively]. However, the amount of samples in the analyzed groups was relatively depression.

The touch of gender of the baby on SIgA, IgG, and IgM concentrations was analyzed in subsequent lactation periods; however, no statistically significant differences were constitute (p > 0.05 for all immunoglobulins).


To the best of our noesis, despite the undisputed importance of the immunological characterization of mother's milk at unlike stages of lactation, a detailed written report analyzing the immunoglobulin profile in prolonged lactation upwardly to the 4th yr has not been attempted. For this purpose, sensitive methods such as ELISA with very specific antibodies adopted to run across the requirements of working with milk samples, was used. Until now, particular immunoglobulin profile studies have been limited normally up to 6 months of lactation (fourteen, 20) only, or if information technology was studied for a longer menstruation of lactation, a pocket-size number of milk samples were analyzed (xv–17, 21).

During the commencement 3 months of life, the baby has at his disposal simply maternal-derived immunoglobulins, delivered during pregnancy and breastfeeding, which are crucial for shaping and modulation of his immunity. Maternal milk immunoglobulins, due to the passive immunity transfer, are delivered to the gastrointestinal tract and participate in homeostatic mechanisms in the neonatal gut (23). Moreover, the latest reports confirmed that milk SIgA modulates the interactions between microbiota and the infant's gut and is essential for the prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis development (38).

The first 3 years of life are crucial for normal physiological and mental development. However, the immunological system is not fully mature at this age, resulting in the risk of frequent and severe infections. Long breastfeeding may provide pregnant back up at this crucial moment in a child's life (39). Passive immunity with maternal milk antibodies may provide infant and child protection since they could neutralize pathogens already within the mammary gland, then in the babe's nasopharynx, and during swallowing in the oropharynx and hypopharynx (34).

In our study, the protein and SIgA concentrations in breast milk showed a strong positive correlation with the duration of lactation from the 1st to the 48th month. Among the iv analyzed groups, namely, 1–12, xiii–18, nineteen–24, and over 24 months, the mean concentration of SIgA was the lowest in breast milk from the 1st to the 12th month of lactation and significantly increased to a higher place the 1st year of lactation to reach the highest concentration of SIgA after the 2nd year. The concentration of IgG, similar to SIgA, showed a positive correlation with duration of lactation over four years. In the milk groups xix–24 and >24 months, an increase, albeit not significant, was observed. The concentration of IgM remained stable regardless of the lactation period. Over prolonged lactation, the concentration of SIgA positively correlated with the IgG concentration. Nosotros assessed the correlations among concentrations of item immunoglobulins equally well every bit with the protein concentration. The ratio of SIgA to protein (SIgA/protein) in female parent's skim milk remained at a similar level during the start 2 years of lactation, just in the 3rd yr the SIgA/poly peptide ratio significantly increased. In contrast, the ratio of IgG to protein (IgG/protein) decreased over lactation from the 1st to the 48th month, only the ratio of IgM to protein (IgM/protein) was at the same level regardless of the menstruum of prolonged lactation.

Our enquiry shows that there is a high concentration of immunoglobulins in milk from prolonged lactation. Non simply the frequency of feeding simply also the way of feeding may affect the concentration of immunoglobulins. Abuidhail et al. (21) showed that the blazon of feeding has an impact on IgG concentration, namely, in exclusively breastfeeding mothers' milk the concentration of IgG was higher than in non-exclusively breastfeeding mothers' milk, but the level of IgM was not afflicted (21). Abuidhail et al. (21) besides suggested that more fourth dimension during breastfeeding and a greater volume of milk given to the babies ensure more immunoglobulin IgG and IgM because a greater chest milk volume contains more than Igs. Nevertheless, those results relate to the start 6 months of life.

Taking into account a previous study on prolonged lactation, later on 24 months, lactation changes significantly (35, 36). Subsequently the 2nd year of lactation, the SIgA, IgM, and protein concentrations were negatively correlated with the number of feedings, and their concentrations were rising in comparison to those during the before period of lactation. It may be related to the reduced milk production, which decreases with the rare frequency of feeding (40). Infants consume more solids so that the book of milk consumed is significantly less than in the starting time half-dozen months of life. The measurement of the actual amount of compounds delivered to the breastfed babies is possible (41); however, it was not measured during this study.

From a clinical point of view, mother's milk is the preferred nutrition for preterm infants (42). The highly specialized care of premature newborns includes personalization of diet, i.e., optimization of protein, fatty, and lactose content. In our opinion, it is highly reasonable to characterize the "immunological condition" of milk, which is delivered to milk banks past mothers at various stages of lactation (and so-called early and late). Donor human milk (DHM) can supplement the supply of maternal breast milk when it is insufficient or provide the preferred alternative when the mother is not breastfeeding (43). Accepting breast milk from donors beyond 1 year postpartum may be a potential strategy for increasing the immunological status of donor milk. Studying the limerick of such dynamic fluid as chest milk can exist challenging. However, improving the understanding of the biology of chest milk likewise as improving the immunological status of donor human milk for preterm infants is crucial to provide health weather condition and reduce the risk of occurrence of culture diseases such equally obesity and allergies. Also, exactly how the limerick of chest milk alters and the downstream furnishings this may take on subsequent adult wellness will exist of great interest in regard to the programming of human metabolism during the first few years of life.

Milk of prolonged lactation is characterized past increased concentrations of fatty, protein, and energy, becoming the most caloric milk during lactation (35). The high immunological potential of man milk during prolonged lactation too results in its loftier value. Show of increasing of SIgA and IgG levels and additionally the stable level of IgM during prolonged lactation provides a strong additional argument for allowing non-weaning because even if the milk from late lactation does not fully see the energy and nutritional needs of the babe, the supply of immunological factors is beyond dubiety. Based on the obtained results, we can speculate that breast milk from prolonged lactation has the potential to be used every bit donor milk; however, further detailed studies are needed. The apply of milk from prolonged lactation gives an opportunity to concentrate a higher number of human milk components in society to amend the nutritional and the immunological status of DHM—especially due to the fact that the synthesis of IgM, like to SIgA and IgG, by infants, in particular during early life, is non sufficient.

On the other manus, information technology should too exist mentioned that the donor milk in a milk bank must be subject to procedures which are aimed at providing microbiological safety. Milk immunoglobulins are at least partially preserved after standard procedures of milk processing, just the event is different for the analyzed classes of immunoglobulins. According to Escuder-Vieco and coworkers (44), the nearly thermostable immunoglobulin is IgG, showing the highest preservation rate (87–101%), followed past SIgA (concentration reduction of 12–46%), and the least IgM (concentration reduction of 27–75%), whereas loftier-pressure processing of chest milk had no or a small effect on Igs concentration (45, 46). Notwithstanding, the available data can differ. Adhisivam et al. present results that Holder pasteurization decreased IgA by thirty% and IgG past lx% (47).

The force of our study is the decision of the immunoglobulin contour in the fourth year of lactation since such decision has not been performed previously in such a long lactation period. Additionally, the analysis of milk samples from more than 20 mothers in each group according to the duration of lactation was performed. Moreover, in dissimilarity to the latest reports of Klein et al. (48), who adopted triple–quadrupole fourth dimension-of-flight mass spectrometry for immunoglobulin determinations, we used highly specific immunochemical ELISA methods, which we believe are amend because they are cheaper, faster, more accessible, and can exist routinely used in labs in milk banks, after appropriate adaptation, to characterize the immunological status of donor milk. The limitations of our study are its being a single-center, non-randomized controlled study and there existence no short- and long-term health follow-up of the infants of this report.

Additionally, since Ruiz et al. (49) reported geographical variation in milk immune factor concentrations, namely, IgA, IgG, and IgM amid others, the comparison/verification of our results with the results obtained for remote geographical areas using the aforementioned immunological methods and milk samples collected at the same stages of prolonged lactation is necessary (49).


Our research shows that at that place is a high concentration of immunoglobulins in milk from late lactation. Supporting breastfeeding even after introducing solid foods should, therefore, exist one of the overarching goals in the protection of public health and prevention of infections in infancy.

In view of the loftier concentration of immunologically important compounds present in homo milk, prolonged lactation should be strongly supported.

Therefore, it is of import to consider when making recommendations that non even the number of feeds per day merely breastfeeding, in full general, should be continued for every bit long as possible that the mother and the baby wish to as supplement and support for the maturing immune organization of the baby.

Data Availability Statement

All datasets generated for this report are included in the article.

Ethics Argument

The studies involving homo participants were reviewed and approved by The Bioethics Commission of the Wrocław Medical University. The patients/participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.

Author Contributions

MC-Ł, JL-Chiliad, BK-O, and MO-P contributed to the conception of the report. JL-1000 and MO-P contributed to the pattern of the study. MC-Ł and JL-Yard organized the database. JL-K performed the statistical analysis. MC-Ł, JL-Grand, and MO-P wrote the first draft of the manuscript and the sections of the manuscript. All the authors contributed to manuscript revision and read and approved the submitted version.


This research was funded past the Medical Kinesthesia (No. STM.A070.17.060) of Wroclaw Medical Academy, Poland.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of whatsoever commercial or financial relationships that could exist construed as a potential conflict of involvement.


The authors thank Wroclaw Medical University (Wroclaw, Poland) for covering the price of this publication.


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