Anybody From Early 90s Babies Grown a Adults



Practice -i.
Complete these sentences with the correct course of the adjectives in
ane. The less he works, (happy) he is.
2. The bigger the car, (fast) you lot tin get.
3. (fresh) information technology is, (good) it will taste.
4. (more) you lot consume, (fatty) you volition become.
five. (less) you spend, (more) you lot salve.
half dozen. Information technology was becoming (common cold) and (common cold).
seven. I was getting more and (excited).
eight. The weather was bad and getting (bad) and (bad).
1. the happier v. The less, … the more than
2. the faster 6. colder … colder
iii. The fresher, … the better 7. more than excited
4. The more, … the fatter eight. worse … worse


Exercise 2.
Choose the right comparison word in the following sentences.
1. Of the 20 applicants, Athena is the (meliorate/all-time) qualified.
2. Of the two dogs, Rover is the (improve/all-time).
three. I am the (elder/eldest) of my five sisters.
4. I am (elder/eldest) than my brother.
five. (Amid/Between) the ii countries, they should exist able to enhance the money for aid.
6. Of all the speeches I heard, his was the (more/near) compelling.
7. Later returning from our vacation, I was (happier/happiest) to be home.
8. (Amidst/Between) the three independent candidates, only he seemed qualified.
9. It was certainly the (less/least) of the two evils.
ten. She was the (shorter/shortest) fellow member of the graduating class.
1. best 3. oldest 5. Between 7. happier 9. less
two. better 4. older 6. most eight. Amidst x. shortest


Ascertain whether the following sentences are True (T) or Simulated (F).
Correct mistakes.
1. This book is more better than that one.
2. This yr'southward prices will certainly be much higher as last year's prices.
3. Since at that place were 2 possible ways to go to New York, we had to decide which i
was ameliorate.
4. The community in this land are more than traditional than those in the United States.
5. Her letter was more friendlier than this.
6. She was happier than everyone in her family unit.
7. Nancy was luckier than Fred in Las Vegas.
viii. Betty'southward homework is unremarkably more organized than that of whatsoever other students in the
nine. The weather was much hotter this year than in 1970.
x.The terminal exam was more hard than the mid-semester examination.
11.The first performance was more crowded as the second one.
12.The new student reads faster than anyone else in the course.
thirteen. Fred's project proposal was much more economical than Brad's.
14. Robert'due south new abode is more expensive than whatever house in the neighborhood.
15. Henry had a rather bad accident, and it was a miracle that he was non hurt more
worse than he was.
i. F, is better than half dozen. F, everyone else in the family unit 11 .F, more crowded than
two. F, be higher than 7. T 12.T
3. T 8. T 13.T
iv. T 9. F, than that in 1970 14.F, than whatsoever other house
five. F, was friendlier than 10.T fifteen. F, worse than


Define whether the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (T).
Correct mistakes.
i. They were the most poorest people I had ever seen.
2. W Germany is one of the virtually highly industrialized nations in the globe.
three. When he won the contest, he was the most surprised person than the other
4. I went to Belgium, Holland, and England concluding yr, and I liked Kingdom of belgium ameliorate.
five. Is the Sahara the largest desert in the earth?
6. Baronial is the hottest and well-nigh boiling month of the year.
seven. It was the most biggest building I had ever seen.
8. That company sold the most sophisticated computer equipment that nosotros had ever
9. Dr. Henderson was the near thorough doctor than Jane ever known.
10. John, Phyllis, and Mary were all saving money to get to Egypt, and John saved the
11. Paula, Susie, and Jill bought new homes, but Paula'southward was more elegant.
12. Peking is most densely populated city in the world.
13. The damage acquired by the hurricane was the worst than had e'er occurred in that
fourteen. She bought a new color television, a stereo unit of measurement, and an AM/FM radio and the
television was the near expensive.
15. Mary is the fastest runner than the other team members.
16. You can employ any of those three pens, but the ruby i is the best for marking on
heavy cloth.
17.That identify serves the goodest water ice cream in town.
18. Dr. Jones was certainly among the smartest men I had always known.
nineteen. He got the baddest grade he had ever received on an exam.
20. The crimes committed by that murderer were the most heinous in the history of that


1. F, the poorest people eleven. F, the about elegant
2. T 12. F, the most densely
iii. F, the well-nigh surprised person of all the thirteen. F, the worst that
4. F, liked Belgium the best 14.T
5. T xiii. F, the worst that xv.F, the fastest runner of the team
6. F, the most humid 16.Т
vii. F, the biggest 17. F, the best water ice-foam
viii. T 18.T
9. F, doctor that 19. F, the worst grade
10.T xx.T


Right the post-obit sentences.
1. Bob was the biggest of the twins.
2. Yous wouldn't meet a more kinder lady.
3. The patient made the wonderfulest recovery.
four. Mary was as old like Jane.
v. Who is the tallest, Jack or Betty?
6. The more than bright students do not always practise well in tests.
seven. The noise in Rome is far worst than in Florence.
8. I am not as rich as he.
9. She has more time than me.
10. We are stronger than they.
11.They are more than ignorant than united states of america.
12. He does not like I equally much every bit her.
13. He is not as fast as she.
xiv. You lot speak English better than he.
15. She loved him more I.
1. the bigger six. The brighter students 11. than we are
ii. a kinder lady 7. is far worse 12. does not like me as much as her
iii. the nearly wonderful eight. as he is 13. equally she is recovery
4. as erstwhile as Jane 9. than I do 14. than he does
v. Who is taller …. 10.than they are 15. than I did


Most of the following sentences contain ane mistake. Write True (T) or
FALSE (F). Correct mistakes.
1. Worsted fabrics are more smoother than ordinary wool textile.
2. The best surfing beaches face west.
3. Please take the biggest of these two pieces of pie.
4. Our representative made the listing of the almost obscure members of Congress.
5. Hydrogen is the most abundant of all the elements in the sun.
half-dozen. Of all the written records people accept made, the earlier are accounts of financial
7. Michael and Ralph both talk a neat deal, only Ralph is the nigh talkative of the 2.
8. Nanette is the virtually unusual person I have ever known.
9. Margot and Keith both did well on the driving test, but Keith got the higher score.
10. In this adapt I feel as if I could win an award for a worse-dressed person of the year.
11. Of the twins, Len weights most and is tallest.
i. F, are smoother 5. T nine. T
2. T 6. F, the earliest 10. F, worst-dressed
3. F, the bigger vii. F, the more talkative xi. F, weighs more and is taller
4. T eight. T


Place the Ane underlined word or phrase A or В that should be
corrected or rewritten. Time: 5 minutes.
1. California, with a population of more than 23 million, is the more (A) populous (B)
state in America.
2. The gorilla is much (A) in danger of extinction equally is (B) the giant tortoise.
iii. Which plant is (A) the hardier (B) to survive a long, dry summer: the ivy, the fern or
the cactus?
4. The Empire State Building, though not as high (A), is elder than (B) the World Trade
Eye in New York.
five. In homo, yellow-blue color blindness is (A) less common as (B) ruddy-light-green colour
6. The family-sized farm is no longer economically competitive (A) like (B) it was in
the 19th century.
7. The area of the United States is divided into 50 states, of which the largest (A) is
Alaska and the most small (B) is Rhode Isle.
8. Predators are lesser (A) of a danger than (B) farmers think.
ix. The high (A) the rate of inflation, the college (B) the price of bolt.
10. Los Angeles and San Francisco are 2 of the more than (A) visited cities (B) on the
Westward Coast.
11. Not as many (A) children read books equally a recreational activity than they (B) used to.


12. Drugs sold over the counter are much more ameliorate (A) packaged now than (B) they
used to be.
thirteen. The electron microscope is a newer (A) and far complexer (B) enquiry tool than the
lite microscope, magnifying cells up to 200, 000 times.
14. Some animals need more than highlier (A) developed sense cells than homo (B) to survive
in their struggle for beingness.
fifteen. Lesser (A) than a decade (B) after the beginning of the 20th century, San Francisco
was ruined by an earthquake.
sixteen. The first settlers planted corn, ate pumpkins and squash like (A) the American (B)
Indians did.
17. Computers, a fastly growing (A) manufacture, are effecting the everyday lives of most
people (B) in industrialized countries.
18. Full general Grant was not an aristocrat like General Lee (A) and did not have the
privileges like (B) Lee had in his life.
19. The yield of grain from a hectare of corn is several times loftier (A) as that from (B)
a hectare of wheat.
20. The sequoia copse, some of which are more iii, 000 years old, are among the
largest (A) and quondam trees (B) in the world.
one. A two. A 3. B 4. B 5. B half dozen. B 7. B 8.A nine. A 10. A
11. B 12. A thirteen. B 14. A xv. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B


Right the following sentences.
1. He arrived more late than his boss.
ii. Instead of slowing downward, he drove more fastly.
3. He did this exam easily than the one before.
4. She drives worst than I on the pike.
5. Try and come more than early tomorrow.
6. He ran quicker than all the others.
seven. Peter works most hard of all.
eight. He did very bad in the exam.
9. I would like to become to the schoolhouse as the one my sister goes to.
x. Your apartment is the same size to mine.
11. That garden is as beautiful like the ane in the park.
12. She looks as her mother.
13.This blouse is the same expensive as that ane.
fourteen. He is as intelligent than his brother.
15. Tom's suit is the same style that Bob's.
16. Your shoes are the aforementioned colour like mine.
1. later 6. ran more apace 11. as beautiful as mine
2. drove faster 7. works the hardest of all 12. similar her mother
iii. more easily 8. did very badly 13. every bit expensive as
4. drives worse than I exercise 9. like the one xiv. as intelligent equally
v. come earlier ten. equally mine 14. as intelligent as
xvi. the aforementioned color as

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