Personality Traits of Born Again Women

The Roles for Women

Although later pushed to the side, women in early Christian communities often owned the 'house churches' where congregations gathered to worship.

Elizabeth Clark:

John Carlisle Kilgo Professor of Organized religion and Director of the Graduate Plan in Organized religion Duke University

What was the status of women in the early on church building? Were they specially attracted to it?

The condition of women in early Christianity has been quite debated in recent decades, no doubt prompted by interest in the women's movement in Western countries today. I remember the evidence is somewhat mixed. Certainly there's show in the New Attestation itself of women doing many things within early Christianity. In Paul's messages he greets women. Calls them co-workers. Refers to ane of them [with] a give-and-take in Greek that we would interpret as "deaconess." Even calls i of the women an Apostle. What exactly these terms meant is a little hard to say given the distance in time, but at that place's plenty of evidence of women's action. I think part of the activity in the early flow, that is the New Testament period itself, perhaps is related to women's role in the house churches. The earliest Christian communities met in people'due south houses; they didn't take churches nonetheless for quite some time, and throughout the New Testament, particularly Paul's letters in the Book of Acts, nosotros find out that women owned the houses in which the early Christians met. This I think is significant because I don't think the women who owned the houses were but providing coffee and cookies, in effect, for the Christian community. I retrieve that this probably gave them some artery to power... in the church.

What seems to happen within the showtime few centuries is that whatever express activities women might have had in the beginning begin to get curtailed equally you have the evolution of a hierarchy of clergy members with bishops, presbyters and deacons, and it's pretty firmly established that women should not be either bishops or priests. Many church fathers write well-nigh this. Then that women tend to get excluded from those functions, [though] they exercise have some roles, [such] as joining a group chosen the widows or deaconesses in the fourth century. We accept expert prove of a order of deaconesses, but they are excluded from the priesthood.


Thecla is a literary grapheme of probably 2nd century Christianity who comes to be thought of as an bodily historical character by the fourth century. Thecla appears in a document called The Acts of Paul and Thecla which is one of the many sets of acts that came to be labeled the apocryphal acts.... Thecla's represented every bit being an aloof immature woman who hears the instruction of Paul, and upon hearing the message of Paul, which is construed in this text... as a message of sexual renunciation, she gives upwardly her fiancee and wants to get off and follow Paul on his missionary trips. Her family is very much opposed to this. Her mother goes so far as to try to have her daughter burned at the pale to forbid her from carrying out this wish, but later many lively adventures including baptizing herself in a puddle of seals, Thecla does manage to become a missionary and lives to a ripe erstwhile age preaching and pedagogy the gospel. And then this is one of several stories in the apocryphal acts where women are represented as giving upwardly riches and particularly marriage and sexual activity for the sake of post-obit the teachings of the Apostles....

What in essence is the moral of the Thecla story?

I think the moral of the Thecla story is that young women would be improve off not marrying in the first place, but if they are already married to try to as soon as possible... to lead lives of abstinence and sexual renunciation, and in that style they will be better fulfilling the will of God. In the Acts of Thecla for example, Paul gives a speech in which he recasts the function of the bible that we call the beatitudes. That's the "blessed are the so and so...." Paul's version of this is all about blessed are the bodies of virgins, ... blessed are the celibate. It'south all about sexual chastity. That those are the people who are blessed in this new recasting of the Christian message.

Read excerpts from The Acts of Paul and Thecla.

Did stories like Thecla -- the fact that the early church is urging people to forbearance, to effectively be breaking up their families, leaving their fiancees -- Does that create tension within the church, or does that create tension with society?

The fact that some immature women and men wanted, on the ground of hearing these injunctions to sexual chastity, to abandon societal life, not to marry, not to have children every bit their parents probably wanted them to, [is] certainly depicted in early Christian writings equally causing a problem. In fact, I think we would analyze this today as a case of boyish rebellion. That you hear many stories from the fourth and early 5th century, peculiarly, of aristocratic immature women who decide they're not going to be obey their parents' command to ally. At this [time] ... aloof girls ally very young, in immature teenage years probably, and their refusal to do this, and concordant with that their control of enormous sums of money devolving upon them, was a very neat nugget to the Christian church, and these women were much celebrated and written about and praised past the male authors of this menses....

Jesus is ofttimes portrayed every bit in the company of women. What'due south the significance of that?

Women appear frequently, although they're not ever named, in the gospels in the company of Jesus. I call up it's role of a more than general tendency of the gospels to represent Jesus equally having to do with the outcasts, the downwards and outs of society. The people who aren't necessarily the high and mighty and powerful. Just equally Jesus is represented as consorting with sinners, so too women are part of his entourage. Some of the gospels are more eager to portray Jesus in this style than others. The Gospel of Luke for example does have Jesus in the visitor of women quite frequently. Y'all accept a number of the stories about Mary and Martha in the Gospel of Luke.


Tell us how the graphic symbol Mary Magdalene evolved. I mean was there really such a person to begin with or was it simply a story about someone like that?

Mary Magdalene is certainly i of the characters who crops up a lot in the gospels and and so is very much discussed in Christian literature the fourth and 5th century particularly. Information technology's interesting to come across what happens with her character. Nosotros know practically cipher near her, but quite early she gets conflated with the sinful woman who is said to come up in to a dinner political party where Jesus is beingness entertained at the dwelling house of a Jewish leader and who washes Jesus' anxiety and dries the feet with her hair and she is called a sinner. Now information technology doesn't say what kind of sinner she is, but this story gets conflated with the Mary Magdalene story. Mary Magdalene comes to be idea of as a repentant prostitute. At present why this would have not bad appeal for the early Christians I'yard not entirely sure except that she is an example of somebody who is a very notable sinner and yet repentant and found neat praise in the eyes of God. She's also represented equally beingness a witness to the resurrection in the gospels, and this is an important betoken that here you lot can encounter the departure in Paul's messages. Paul does not have the women every bit witnesses to the resurrection whereas all the gospels have women as witnesses to the resurrection and Mary Magdalene very prominent amid them....

Mary Magdalene's probably a good instance of a character who appears a number of times in the biblical text itself who then gets raised up and developed and elaborated upon. This is probably fairly typical of what happens to a lot of characters. Their lives become embroidered upon in ways that nosotros wouldn't really know from the biblical text itself. So Mary Magdalene is thought of every bit this sinner who repents. This gets elaborated into repentent prostitute particularly when Christianity takes a very ascetic turn in the fourth and fifth centuries; to repent from being a prostitute would certainly be a very wonderful thing for a woman to do if she were a Christian....


In the New Testament, nosotros find many women mentioned, some by name, some not.... They are named every bit co-workers, some of them seem to be part of missionary couples that exit and aid convert others to Christianity. Nosotros find less evidence of this as y'all motility into the 2d century and the 3rd century; equally Christianity becomes more established, and a male hierarchy of the clergy is developed, women tend to become more and more excluded....

However, with the development of potent austere currents in Christianity and particularly the founding of monasteries in the fourth century and early 5th century, you get whole new avenue opened up for women'southward activity in the church. Some of these women controlled enormous amounts of money and they decided that they would employ their money to plant monasteries and they sometimes became caput of the monasteries themselves. One such adult female was named Olympias in Constantinople. She was a very skilful friend and, in fact, the confidante of John Chrysostom, who became the Bishop of Constantinople the final few years of the 4th century and the first years of the 5th century. She had enormous property; it's been calculated, using rather conservative estimates of how you translate ancient money into modern American dollars, that her contributions to the Church of Constantinople and surrounding areas was something like $900 one thousand thousand. You can run across why churchmen liked women like this and why information technology was very important for the charity operations of the church building, which were now feeding hundreds, indeed thousands, of poor people, orphans, widows; hospitals needed to be built that Christians were organizing. The church needed a lot of money poured into its coffers to proceed these operations going, and women such as Olympias and others that could be mentioned, Malania the Elder, Malania the Younger, they're very instrumental, both in founding monasteries and directing them, as well every bit giving coin for these charitable operations.


What's Paul proverb here, what does it mean?

Galatians 3:28 is a argument that has had enormous influence on contemporary Christianity, especially in the feminist branches of Christianity. This is the passage where Paul says, "In Jesus Christ, at that place'south no slave or complimentary, no Jew or Greek, no male" - hither, one has put in a correction. It'due south "no male and female." That is, instead of saying, either /or, equally he does in the case of Jews and Greeks, slave and free. With male and female, it's "and" that'southward in the middle, and scholars have asked what does information technology mean and why is that ane unlike?

Of class, gimmicky Christians, many of them, would like to take this as a slap-up slogan of equality for women in the early church. I personally tend to think Paul was not terribly interested in women's equality. He was very interested in the equality of Jew and gentile. That is, people coming in to Christianity from not-Jewish religions. That was his major concern, without uncertainty. He took over this phrase, we know, from an earlier baptismal formula. There's some evidence in the Gospel of Thomas and other gospels that Jesus may take said phrases to this effect of "no male and female" and some people think that it's a quotation from Genesis, Affiliate 1, where it says, "God created them male and female, he created them." In this case, I think at least, probably, we tin can't take it as a wonderful slogan for equality, although women today would like to employ information technology that manner, and maybe they tin get alee and use information technology whatever Paul meant by information technology.

Elaine H. Pagels:

The Harrington Spear Paine Foundation Professor of Religion Princeton University


Some people suggest that the early Christian movement was an egalitarian one. I'm not so sure of that. It does seem to me that when it was a marginal movement, when information technology was unsafe to belong to it. [In his letters] Paul speaks of women equally his young man evangelists and teachers and patrons and friends, as he does of men. So it seems that the movement took everyone that it could get, and depended on them in means that much more established groups, similar for case, the Jewish community of a wealthy boondocks like Sepphoris, might not accept allowed. It'southward certainly true that there was a sort of fluidity of roles in this motion, the question of if slaves and gratis could be equally role of the move could men and women be on a par in the motion?

Apparently nosotros have sources that suggest that these were enormously live problems. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, for instance, shows us a Christian customs in which Mary Magdalene is regarded as a disciple, as a leader, equally one of the major teachers in the grouping. And one who claims that women should be able to teach. In that very gospel, she's challenged and silenced by her brother, Peter, suggesting that the representatives of the church building that chosen itself orthodox and based itself in Rome did not similar women setting themselves up. Nosotros know that Tertullian, one of the leaders of the church building in Africa, spoke most a adult female he called simply, "that viper," because she was baptizing people. And he said, "These heretical adult female, how audacious they are. I hateful they, they teach, they cognominate, they preach, they do all kinds of things they shouldn't do. Information technology's horrible, in short." And so we know that at that place was a great bargain of ferment in these communities about the role of women.

I don't run across a motion picture of a Gilt Age of egalitarianism back there. I see a new, unformed, diverse, and threatened motion which allowed a lot more than fluidity for women in sure roles for a while, in some places and not in others. That [also] stirred an enormous corporeality of resentment, which you encounter in some of the New Attestation writers, for example, in the author of [Get-go] Timothy, which says, "women should be silent in all the churches" and attributes that bespeak of view to Paul.

Did women become, over fourth dimension, sort of moved to the edges so to speak?

We have information from about the finish of the second century that whatever roles women may have had before, leaders of the church building were beginning to clarify the fact that women should take no official position in the church building as they were establishing information technology. And that was seen equally a feature of heretical groups. The orthodox church building would take none of that, and did not, then far as we can tell, from about the second century on. Where women distinguished themselves in the orthodox community were as martyrs.... And there are famous women who are martyrs. There was a famous holy woman, Thecla, whose story describes enormous opposition. There'south non a single adult female of renown in the ancient church whose story does not show enormous opposition from some of the men in the group.


Was Mary Magdalene some other apostle?

The gospels of the New Testament tell stories about Mary Magdalene, and in that location she appears along with the women.... [In Luke], Mary was one whom Jesus had healed. Simply in other gospels, she appears quite differently. She appears in fact equally one of the disciples, not just one of the disciples, but ane of those called for special teaching, for deeper didactics and wisdom. In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, she appears every bit the one disciple who has courage and comforts the others in despair. She appears equally the one who speaks to the others to encourage them. So she seems to be one of the cracking disciples according to some of these other sources. Later tradition suggested she was a prostitute and that she was the one who wiped Jesus' feet with her hair. This is not said in the gospels. It has no foundation in history at all. I suspect that at that place were Christians who were trying to challenge her status among certain groups who saw her as a smashing one of the disciples. For example, even today on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, there's a Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene as a not bad saint. And others countered, I suggest, past proverb, "Oh no, she was a prostitute." So at that place, in the person of Mary Magdalene, [we see how] groups fought nigh the status and role of women.

For more on women in the early Church, see this essay past Karen King.


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