Paul Krugman Making Ignorance Great Again


The denial of climatic change and its negative consequences for global environments is pervasive in certain corridors of corporate and political ability. This agnosia by powerful elites is a substantial contributor to global environmental degradation and destruction. This chapter explores the power of ignorance and argues that political dismissiveness of climatic change is a recipe to exploit the surroundings for political and profitable purposes. Moreover, it argues that ignorance, divers every bit 'unjustifiable belief', provides those in positions of power and entitlement to assert their ain unquestioning expertise inside an ideological bias that not but furthers their political and capital aspirations but endangers the planet.


  • Climate change denial
  • Power
  • Ignorance
  • Noesis politics
  • Greenish criminology


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Walters, R. (2018). Climatic change Denial: 'Making Ignorance Smashing Once more'. In: Barton, A., Davis, H. (eds) Ignorance, Power and Harm. Disquisitional Criminological Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-iii-319-97342-5

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