442 N Prospect St Colorado Springs Co
Home Value
You have $241k total untapped potential!
Adds $16k
Bathroom Renovation
Adds $13k
Roof Replacement
10+ more projects are included in your free account.
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Make an account to edit property information, and we'll update your home value real time.
We estimate your home is worth $527k - $560k
Using Realm's proprietary algorithm, this estimate uses hundreds of data points to compare your home to the values of other homes to determine the most likely sale price.
Here are 3 sample properties used in this calculation:
825 E Kiowa St
422 N Prospect St
237 N Prospect St
① Review Your Home
We review hundreds of attributes about your home, including categorical and numeric data.
② Analyze Your Neighborhood
We analyze the attributes of high value homes in your area to determine the optimal characteristics for each attribute
③ Calculate What's Optional
We compare your house as it is to what your house would be with all optimal attributes
All of this property's data in one place. We use tax assessments, listing history, building permits, zoning regulations, geospatial analysis, public mortgage records and more to provide a more accurate picture of this property's potential.
With your free Realm Project Planner, you can create customized cost & value recoup estimates for 10+ projects.
Realm Score
This property gets a base Realm Score of 418 out 1,000
Roof Replacement
Kitchen Renovation
Bathroom Renovation
Learn More About Realm Score
The Realm Score shows you how many possibilities you've already tapped into given what's allowed on your lot. We reward you for projects that improve home value and changes that improve your enjoyment of the home.
Already completed these projects?
Make an account to edit property information, and we'll update your score in real time.
Livable Space
This property is zoned for 945 additional square feet
Learn More About Buildable Square Feet
It's not always up to you where and what you can build on your property. Realm has collected information on your zoning rules to calculate the number of buildable square feet available on your property given zoning rules such as setbacks, floor area ratio (FAR), and lot coverage.
Explore other comparisons
Goal: Remodel the kitchen & bathroom
Everyone should know about Realm! They make it so easy to understand what impacts home value and how much different projects cost. I liked that I could talk to an Advisor to get some additional questions answered.
Goal: Prioritize a long list of projects
Our Realm report helped us prioritize which projects we should do first to maximize our home value. We are really excited to start home renovations and feel more confident jumping in now that we know what our ROI looks like.
Goal: Map out a 3-year plan
We bought a house last year knowing there were A LOT of projects to tackle, but with no idea where to start! Our Realm report has helped us focus our efforts on the projects that will bring us the most ROI and function for our family of 4.
What is Realm and how does it estimate the value of my home?
Realm is a free, centralized data hub for homeowners. We analyze hundreds of data points about each home including size, layout, quality, and amenities and compare to neighboring homes to estimate current market value. We highlight opportunities to increase property value through square-foot add-ons, renovations, new amenities, and more, helping families to enjoy their home more in the present while getting more value from it down the road.
How much is this house worth and is your estimate accurate?
Based on publicly available real estate data, Realm estimates your house is currently worth $543k. We will refresh our estimate if you share information on recent renovations or changes you've made to your home to ensure it's as accurate as possible.
How does Realm estimate the potential home value for 442 N Prospect St?
Our potential value calculation looks at your home compared to the optimal home in your neighborhood. First, we review hundreds of attributes about your home, including categorical and numeric data. Then, we analyze the attributes of high value homes in your area to determine the optimal characteristic for each attribute. Finally, we compare your house as it is to what your house would be with all the optimal attributes.
How can I increase the home value for 442 N Prospect St?
There are 3 types of projects that have the potential to increase your home value: increasing space, updating existing spaces, or adding amenities. With your free Realm account, you can see what projects are allowed on your property, how much each will cost, and what impact they'll have on home value.
How does Realm know which home projects to recommend to me?
We start by reviewing the current state of your home, based on data we've collected from a variety of sources and input that you've given us. From there, we figure out what is possible given your local zoning rules & regulations and what is optimal based on what home remodeling projects are trending in your neighborhood.
How much more space am I allowed to add to 442 N Prospect St?
Each neighborhood has different types of restrictions in place that dictate how much of your lot you can develop and where you can build. We've reviewed setbacks, lot coverage, and FAR limits for your property to analyze how many additional square feet you can add.
442 N Prospect St Colorado Springs Co
Source: https://myrealm.co/co/colorado-springs/442-n-prospect-st-colorado-springs-co-80903/51094503
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